The Geldingadalur volcanic eruption overview site! Scroll to see all kinds of video and data.
Photo: Jesús Rodríguez Fernández – From Flickr
Live streams and videos of the Geldingadalur volcanic eruption
RÚV.IS Streams – the Icelandic national broadcaster. They own all rights to the feeds.
Stream from 3 different angles at once
Drone shots:
Earthquake and tremor data for the surrounding area from the Icelandic Met Office
Fagradalsfjall (FAF) station
Noteworthy links:
News about the eruption from Grapevine.is:
News from the Icelandic MET office:
About this site
Geldingadalur.is is set up and run by an amateur who is not an expert in vulcanology, simply a volcano fan 😄🌋 Any questions, comments, requests, etc can be sent to geitamamma@gmail.com 🐐
If you have cool images or videos I can use, please send them to me!